
The grounds are maintained by a gardener who visits once or twice a week in the summer, and less so in the winter. She does a great job. Please do let her know of your appreciation.

Palm Trees

The palm trees are a great feature of the Grover Court grounds. Some residents have said that the palm trees influenced their decision to rent or buy. They were planted in the 1990s. They are the New Zealand Cabbage Palm (or Cordyline Australis). Please report problems (such as light being blocked by a tree) to the managing agent. Tree surgeons visit annually.


There are roses all over Grover Court grounds. They tend to be cut back in Autumn. Feel free to snap off dead-heads so that the plant can redirect the energy into creating more flowers.


Lavendar is a member of the mint family. It flowers in the summer. The flowers tend to overhang the paths around Grover Court and so are cut back towards the end of the summer. Put lavendar in your wardrobe to keep the moths away.

Wild Garlic

Sometimes known as wild leeks. The leaves are milder than ramsons (wild garlic); they are juicy and sweet and a preferred choice for salads. Use instead of chives or spring onions in mash. You can find them in the corner behind flats 5-8.


The aromatic foliage of thyme will fill the air with scent on a warm sunny day, while its flowers are a magnet to wildlife. Its edible leaves are used fresh or dried to flavour soups, stews, fish, meat, sausages, stuffings and vegetable dishes. They are an important ingredient in bouquet garni and herbes de Provence.


Famed as part of a double act alongside onion in the famous sage and onion stuffing, sage is a strongly-scented herb that can be used to flavour many vegetable or meat dishes. Fresh or dried leaves are used to make teas. Sage loves a warm, sunny and sheltered spot - and is attractive enough to be grown alongside other ornamental plants. It grows on the back of the estate under the bay trees.


Rosemary is an aromatic evergreen shrub. It flowers in the summer. It has a lovely smell and can be used to cook with or to flavour oils.